Updated February 17, 2025
Field is OPEN!
Hi all,
It appears the 5th time is a charm! Runway repair has been scheduled for this Wednesday, February 19. The weather guessers say it will be a sunny day with highs in the low 70’s.
The field will be closed for the day, Wednesday, February 19. Cracks will be filled and the runway restriped.
The field will reopen on Thursday for normal operations.
Thank you!
A message to the membership of OCMA from your Safety Officer.
As most of you may already know, I was voted on and confirmed as the newest safety officer for OCMA. As you’ll hear me say repeatedly, the 3 most important aspects of membership are having a safe and fun flying environment, following, and adhering to the rules set forth by OCMA and the County Parks administrators, and keeping the field open to our club by not making any egregious mistakes that would invite negative scrutiny by the parks commission.
Bearing this in mind, OCMA has a set of rules which members have signed a waiver confirming their having read and understanding of the rules. The rules can be informative, such as where to find certain pieces of information, or flight boundaries, onerous, such as having proper identification on your flying device, or even rules for disciplinary action. But the rules are written and are updated as necessary in response to both external and internal events.
Keeping that in mind, it is anticipated that all members will fly in a safe
and friendly manner that allows both themselves and fellow pilots to enjoy
flying at our site. The job, duty, responsibility (you pick) of the Field
Marshalls is ensure that the rules are followed, point out when rules are
broken, suggest corrective action, and discuss the event with the person flying
at the time.
When approached by a field Marshall who has input into a particular event
they witnessed, the Marshall should inform you of what they saw, investigate
why it happened and then anticipate that the event will not be repeated intentionally.
You should anticipate a friendly demeanor from the Field Marshall. We anticipate
a friendly demeanor from you as well. A response such as ‘You’re wrong’ or
‘It wasn’t me’ is not appropriate. We anticipate a simple, ‘thanks, I’ll improve
on that’ is all it takes. Marshals are volunteers trying to keep the flying
environment safe and fun. If you see a Marshall videotaping you, it may simply
be a case where they are trying to show you what they and others are seeing.
Don’t jump to conclusion that you are in trouble and being picked on. And
you are always welcome to come to a board meeting to complain about the behavior
of any field Marshall. That is your right.
With all of this in mind, let’s all have safe and fun flying together. See you at the field!!
Thank you
Dave Kadonoff
OCMA Safety Officer
Follow the link below. For current weather at the field select Haul Rd station.
What is required to fly at OCMA 2021 and beyond:
Safety Officers, Field Marshals and BoD Officers have the authority to verify. Aircraft not displaying the proper FAA number will not be allowed to fly until they do. We are assuming you all have your AMA information inside your aircraft which has always been required by AMA.
Air space boundaries!
It is extremely important that we all fly within our defined airspace AT ALL TIMES. There have been a number of occasions recently that our aircraft have been observed well outside our boundaries. By that I mean over the river to the north and up the valley well past our eastern boundary. If you have difficulty judging this, please use a spotter. Fly within the tree line to the west and east, use the oak tree across the field as your northern boundary. Using this as your guide, you will be flying inside our agreed airspace. A map of our airspace ison the bulletin board at the field and at the link below.
Bob Swenson Memorial Field
Santiago Canyon Road
Follow Blue Diamond / Haul Road to the end.
Field GPS Coordinates: 33deg 46'18.07 N, 117 deg 41'52.79 W
Special Notice for all FPV pilots
Follow the link below. For current weather at the field select Haul Rd station.
If you are not receiving OCMA Email Alerts click this link to join OCMAAlerts@flyocma.com
If ther link doesn't work email: OCMAAlerts@flyocma.com to be added to the list.
Next OCMA BoD Meeting!!
The February BoD meeting will be
Tuesday, February 18
Round Table Pizza at 1737 E Katella Ave, Orange, CA 92867
Meeting will begin at 7:00PM, get there earlier for dinner.
2024/2025 OCMA Officers
President - Tim Cardin
VicePres - Jerome Mezzasalma
Treasurer - Greg Stone
Secretary - Nathan Stone
Safety Officer - Dave Kadonoff
Aircraft retrieval from protected habitat surrounding OCMA Bob Swenson Field
No red 2024 RULES STICKER on your badge, NO FLY !!